Texti Newsletter #30

First of all I have been working on this for a while, but from now on you will be able to receive the news in your favorite language. Please bear with me. I will still write the news in english and leverage the power of AI to translate them into your preferred language, it should still maintain the same character and identity. However, in case you see something wrong please let me know.

If you want to change the language you receive the newsletter please reply to this email with your language of choice.

Let's jump into today's news!

Figma Introduces it's own copilot

What did Figma just do? Well it started somewhat of a revolution for designers.

How did Figma out of the blue added a whole set of new AI features into Figma without rolling them one by one first? They're not Apple they can't do it.

Figma isn't Apple but they have the budget to copy something that Apple does 😅. They simply bought a startup called Diagram, that was working on AI features, and made it part of Figma, and voila a bunch of new features have launched 🪄.

Content Summarization

I will use this feature pretty often to be honest. In a parallel universe where I'm a clerk at a company, and make money to get rid of my hunger, I write a bunch of sticky notes in figma, most often weekly, in different meetings. Summarizing them like this is extremely efficient and really helps extracting the core message out of them.

A little about me: I move a lot, and I have been living in multiple countries, and have been experiencing all sorts of people and cultures. At a moment in my life, I have made a large chart adding pros and cons for different countries to live in (subjectively of course), and summarizing those in a manner of this sort with AI would've been fantastic, sadly I had to make a decision manually like a human...

My message is use this shit as much as you can, exploit it for your own productivity.

Variant Generation

It is not a secret that first and foremost Figma is a design instrument and designers use it at a large scale to generate consistent and effective products all around the world.

However you might not know that designers also have routine things to do from time to time, it's not all 100% creativity. For example if you have to move from blue buttons to green buttons, then you have to go and change all the designs manually. That was eventually fixed by a design system, change in one place to change everywhere. Duh – smart!

Another thing designers have is being hit by a creativity crisis so they usually research and check out what does the world do.

Figma is solving this problem as well, with a new cool tool, this allow you to generate variations of designs for specific areas of your product, see the gif above.

I do not know how consistent with your design these are going to be, or how wonderful these designs will be, but it might be more often then others that the instrument might provide an inspiration and help you out move from a dead spot.

For those who think that designers won't be needed, I'm sorry to inform you that this isn't the case. A tool to solve a problem will be easily adopted by people, while a replacement for a human, will likely start a revolution.

Currently Figma is providing a 10x productivity tool, use it and become better at what you do, because the future is bright and there's place for anybody who desires to participate in it. If you're reading this newsletter, you want to be a part of it.

Be bright ✨, be smart 🤓, be the future 🚀

That's it folks, see you next week ❤️️️️️️️

Happy Prompting!

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