Texti #41: Robots That Are Changing the Game & The New OpenAI Canvas

Today we have Robots and ChatGpt Canvas. Basically a robot in canvas 🥁

The highlights of the week:

  1. Neo is walking somebody's house (not the one from Matrix 😅)
    1x.tech has given a robot to live for a couple of days with a journalist. SciFi life? That's real already.
  2. Open AI Canvas
    Now Open AI allows you to go full in depth on Canvas

Robot Neo almost in a regular apartment

There’s a company 1x.tech, never even heard of them to be honest 🤷, but apparently they’re making SciFi a reality.

In a couple of words this company has been recently interviewed by a journalist from the S3 Youtube channel, after which they offered to give him the robot for a couple of days. Granted under strict surveillance and under close monitoring.

In the video below you can see in more detail. Yet so far, my thoughts are as follows. Of course it’s a prototype of course it’s still in it’s incipiency. And hence I would not recommend this product to anybody as it is. However, we can pick on the details and what is visible in the video.

  • Neo - the robot - is quite slow (2.5km/h) that’s half your normal walking speed.
  • Neo - is also kinda slow to react when you ask him. For example when you ask him to give you an egg, you can clearly see that it thinks, what it needs to do first. As in move your hand up, to the left, a bit further forward, then lower the hand, open up your fingers, carefully, grab the egg, raise it up again, and then pass it to the human by moving your hand to the right, and when you see that the human hand is just bellow, you can let go of the egg.
    That’s a lot of thinking to do, just to pass an egg, you don’t think about it, but it ain’t a natural movement for a piece of electronics, even if it’s smart.
  • The robot’s battery is pretty small if you ask me (4 hours - claimed) so in reality it should be around 3. That’s a lot of juice to have a semi-useful thing in your house. Hence we can see a cord after it almost at all times, which is a little unpleasant. I mean I’m fighting against cables on the floor for an eternity and now have them there because of a robot? No thanks, lol 😂
video preview

Before this degrades completely, don’t get me wrong, I’m actually excited! I think this is the future, I think this is an incredible achievement as it is, however, I would not spend my money on this version, because I have some pain points for me that I simply cannot accept.

I find it a marvellous piece of technology. In the state it is, this would already be incredibly helpful for people with visual impairment for example. Or just for the cool factor. Other than that, I think we’re here to watch and observe how we’re simply time travelling.

OpenAI Canvas

This week, Open AI announced their new Canvas. To give you a small explanation of what it is, unlike the name they provide it’s not something you draw on 😢, it rather an attempt to make an interactive text editor.

What they’re trying to do here, is to generate some text for example and then try and edit it in pieces. For example, write a story, and then you want to make some paragraphs more friendly, add emojis or try to get a more specific tone out of that text. Now you throw the document into chat gpt, ask it to process the document, and start playing with the paragraphs interactively. The great part about this, is that the ai model will have the context of the entire document, so it can provide the most relevant output and help it reduce it’s hallucinations as much as possible.

Now I tried it out, and played around with it. The results are pretty accurate, and the output is pretty sick. I love the way the made the interactions happen.

For example while I was writing this article, I threw it into chatpgt, asked it to help me edit it, and voila, I have now a new interface where I can play around with it. The editor offers out of the box a couple of things, like length adjustment, reading level change, add emoji, and what I think is kind of the best, add final polish.

And probably one of the most useful features is inline edits. I do write text quite often, (the newsletter is here on a weekly basis, and I’m striving to make it better, so an inline thing like this provide a ton of help.

This is the editor I’ve always needed probably. I guess it is indeed all about the UI. You make a better experience and people will fall in love with your product.

By far the best experience I’ve had so far.

That's it folks, see you next week ❤️️️️️️️

Happy Prompting!

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